Circuit Remapper

The circuit remapper logic.

class diskit.circuit_remapper.CircuitRemapper(topology: Topology)

The circuit remapper class for remapping a ciruit to a topology.

static collate_measurements(sim_results: dict, num_qubits: int)

Collate the measurements from the simulation results.

  • sim_results – simulation results from the simulator

  • num_qubits – number of qubits in the circuit


A dictionary of measurements

static do_measure_ready(circ: QuantumCircuit, topology: Topology)

Make the circuit is ready for measurement.

  • circ – the circuit to measure.

  • topology – The network topology.


Circuit ready for measurement

remap_circuit(circuit: QuantumCircuit, decompose: Optional[bool] = None, decompose_list: Optional[List[str]] = None)

Remap the circuit for the topology.

  • circuit – The circuit to be distributed

  • decompose – Decompose the circuit into compatible 2-qubit gates if possible

  • decompose_list – Gate names which should be decomposed


A distributed circuit over the topology.