
Diskit is available as a PyPi project and is can be installed with pip.

pip install diskit

Diskit relies on Qiskit and therefore it should also be installed. Once installed, to generate a distributed circuit, one can simply generate a topology, create the circuit, perform the remapping, and run it as usual.

from diskit import *

network_topology = Topology()
network_topology.create_qmap(2, [1, 1], "sys")
qregs = circuit_topo.get_regs()

qc = QuantumCircuit(*qregs)
# Qubit 0 is on QPU 1, qubit 1 on QPU 2
qc.cx(0, 1)

remapper = CircuitRemapper(circuit_topo)
dist_circ = remapper.remap_circuit(qc)