
Layer object which is a collection of operations to be applied on the qubits in the system.

class diskit.components.layer.Layer(operations: Optional[List[CircuitInstruction]] = None, topology: Optional[Topology] = None)

Layer object which is a collection of operations to be applied on the qubits in the system.

add_operation(operation: CircuitInstruction)

Add an operation to the layer.


operation (Operation) – Information about the operation to be added in the layer

add_operations(operations: List[CircuitInstruction])

Add multiple operations to the layer.


operations (list) – List of Operation objects


Check if a control gate is present in the layer between two different computing hosts.


True if control gate is present between two different computing hosts

Return type


property operations

Get the operations in the layer.


List of Operation objects, which contains information about the operation to

be performed on the quantum circuit.

Return type


remove_operation(index: int)

Remove an operation from the layer.


index (int) – Index of the operation to be removed